To develop the heart and mind of women in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ through studying God’s Word and congregating with other Christian women in a Godly atmosphere in order to be able to fulfill the Great Commission of spreading God’s love to all.
Whitney Lester
Women’s Ministry Leader
Want to get Hands On?
The Women’s Ministry at First Baptist Haughton desires to develop the heart and mind of women in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Through studying God’s Word and joining with other women in a Godly atmosphere, we will be able to fulfill the Great Commission of spreading God’s love to everyone.
Heart-to-Home – If you are looking for a way to connect to other women in our church, this is your opportunity. The new Heart 2 Home year begins in September. You can pick up a registration form at either information center.
Annual Retreat – Our ladies love this annual retreat and the opportunities it presents to connect and fellowship with other ladies.
E-mail – Click below to join the Women’s Ministry e-mail group, so you can stay updated on ministry needs and events.
For more information or to volunteer with our Women’s Ministry, contact Whitney Lester at 318.422.9886 or click the link below.