FBCH Women is a ministry for every woman in every season of life committed to growth, discipleship, community, and service. Through Bible studies, Journey Groups, events, mission opportunities, and conferences, we want to help women understand their value, find community, and encourage them to live in the abundance of who God has called them to be. No matter your age, marital status, or background, there’s a place for you at our table.
Welcome To The Women’s Ministry at FBC Haughton!
Upcoming Events
Get Connected
Heart to Home
Our Heart to Home Ministry is a great way for women to get connected here in our church. Heart to Home is women mentoring women, specifically older Christian women mentoring younger Christian women. We gather together to zero in on issues the younger woman may be struggling with and the Heart Moms take the time to guide her on how to apply the truth of the Bible to her everyday life events
Footprints Ministry is the sweetest ministry here at FBC Haughton. Once a month, ladies from our church will gather together in small groups to minister to the shut-ins and nursing home residents from our church family.
Women’s Conference
Our annual Midweek One Women’s Conference brings women from all over Haughton and the surrounding areas together for a night of worship and encouragement. Grab your mom, daughter, sister, or girlfriends and join us in May!
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Join us Thursday mornings at 11 AM as we meet together for a time of prayer and to study God’s word. Invite a friend and we’ll see you there!
Ministry Events
Our Lead team works hard to plan fun and impactful events the ladies here at FBC Haughton. Make sure you follow our Facebook Page & check your email for all of our upcoming events!
Women’s Ministry Lead Team
Our team and volunteers work hard to create events that are fun and engaging. These events are great opportunities for you to meet new friends and grow in your faith. We can’t wait to meet you at our next event! Contact Whitney if you’re interested in volunteering.

Contact Us
For more information or to volunteer with our Women’s Ministry, click here to email Whitney Lester or call 318.422.9886.