Acts: The Gospel Gone Viral The Account of Felix January 17, 2021 Dr. Gevan Spinney tell the account of Felix and Paul in Acts 24.
Acts: The Gospel Gone Viral Paul and Ananias January 10, 2021 Dr. Gevan speak about the altercation with Paul and Ananias and how Christians should respond to authority today.
Acts: The Gospel Gone Viral Paul in Jerusalem January 3, 2021 Dr. Gevan Spinney speaks about Pauls encounter with a Jewish mob in Jerusalem.
Christmas Lines Vertical Line December 20, 2020 Dr. Gevan Spinney continues the Christmas Lines Series by talking about the vertical lines that we come across.
Christmas Lines Horizontal Lines December 13, 2020 Dr. Gevan Spinney begins the Christmas Lines Series by talking about the horizontal lines that we come across.